Tuesday, June 24, 2008

That over there.

Every once in a while I'll come across something interesting. It can be a blog (Mike Wilner's Miked Up), a company (ZipCar), web app (Twitter), or even a blast from the past (Thomas Dolby).

(By the way, did you know that Thomas Dolby is not just known as the guy who penned the famous song and video "Blinded Me With Science" BUT is also the genius behind Nokia's ring tunes and various other tunes on video games? AMAZING!)

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to listen and watch a new "discovery" of mine. While I can't be the one to claim sole discovery of this new "land", I think that this gem should be unveiled.

ThatRadio.com and it's brother station ThatChannel.com.

Minaz Asani-Kanji (my wife!) - Executive Director of TorontoGreen.ca was a guest on their Liquid Lunch show with ThatFounder (?) Hugh this past Monday afternoon. LL seems to be a variety type show which delves into interesting local news and social issues. They also like to promote the next upcoming new band!

ThatRadio and ThatChannel produce a variety of interesting shows exclusively for the "online" consumer. Making a difference and having as much fun as possible. This is their mantra. They claim to be Canada's #1 Internet broadcaster since 2004.

Be sure to check it out. You'll be impressed.


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